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If you’re in Brisbane and planning to build a granny flat or additional accommodation in Brisbane, you need to understand what’s required before your project can proceed.

Building approval is required before you can build a granny flat or secondary dwelling in the Brisbane area. It’s much easier than it used to be, with most granny flats no longer needing a Development Application (DA) in order to proceed, which reduces compliance costs considerably. We can help our customers to organise granny flat approvals in Brisbane. If you’re ready to talk about getting started, click the button above.

If you’d like to understand more about the Brisbane City Council regulations for the development of granny flats, click the button below and read on:

Granny flat approvals Brisbane City

Once you’re across the requirements, please talk to us for more information on how to get approvals organised, and how to get granny flats installed (if not DIY) and services connected using a licensed plumber and electrician. Many customers opt for the complete project management service available.

Confused about regulations and needing to find out ASAP if your project would likely get approval? Get a quick pre-approval project appraisal and advice on your site from a qualified architect.

FAQ about granny flat approvals Gold Coast

What is a granny flat on the Gold Coast?

A granny flat is a secondary dwelling on your property where there is already a primary residence. In most areas of Australia, secondary accommodation is a granny flat whether or not it is being occupied by a family member or someone else, occupied full or part-time, rented out or non-commercial.

What if it’s just a bedroom with no kitchen or bathroom?

You still need approval for an extra bedroom as it is somewhere you’re proposing for people to live in, to some extent, even if it’s just the occasional house guest staying for a few nights. The granny flat approval process also ensures structures that are intended for someone to live in (or just sleep at night) are SAFE for people to inhabit and compliant with the national building code for safety and energy efficiency.

Are there fees involved in getting granny flats approved on the Gold Coast?

Yes, throughout Australia there are fees involved in getting building approvals, whether this is done through a local council or private building certifier. The amount of these fees varies between councils, processes, and proposed projects.

What else is needed to get Gold Coast granny flats approved?

You can save time in the process by obtaining a copy of your site plan and sewerage diagram for your property (ask the local council). You will also need to get professional drawings of your site and proposed structure (we can refer you to people who can help). There are complex forms to be completed and you can get help with these too.

Are there consequences for building a Gold Coast granny flat without approval?

Where granny flats have been constructed without approval, councils may insist on demolition and perhaps impose fines. At best, further works and expenses in order to grant approval retrospectively. Having a non-compliant structure on your property could also void the insurance on the main residence should an incident occur. The lack of compliance could seriously compromise the value of your home if resold in future. It’s not worth taking any of these risks. Follow the regulations that apply in your area for everyone’s safety and peace of mind.

Enquire about Backyard Pods